Saturday, September 12, 2009

Revenge is Sweet, Success is Sweeter

Because revenge is sweet
But success is sweeter
Take the salt from my wounds
and put it in my margarita
I'm the new kid on the candy store
By the time you want me back
I won't want you anymore

Success is sweet. Sooo sweet. I just measured myself for the first time in over a week because I was getting frustrated I wasn't seeing any changes. But I am now!! Before my measurements were 36-27-37.5 (ick!)

Now they are 33 (I know my poor boobs are just disappearing- but I actually think they look great at this size! Theyre all small and perky and cute!) 25-36. Thats three inches from my bust, two from my waist and one and a half from my hips. My legs and butt are sooooo frustrating. Everything else- my arms, my stomach, my back, everything is looking nice and skinny. Except my ass and my thighs.

Oh well, I'll get there! I was under 600 yesterday which is pretty good =) I'm going to finish my coffee then work out. Today is my mommys bday. I'm taking her out to dinner with Thomas. They both suspect my eating disorder and complain about it.... how am I going to get out of this one? Maybe I'll get a turkey burger or chicken breast and just eat it without the bread and only eat like half. That sounds good.

Okay time to finish my coffee and do some work outs! Ttyl

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